The Veeh Harp
The Harp. Reinvented. For Everyone.
The Veeh Harp is a portable, custom-made harp that is ideal for anyone who loves music. It is an inclusive instrument - perfect for all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. The Veeh Harp is a game-changer for anyone who believes it is ‘too late’ to learn an instrument or ‘too hard’ to make music!
Check out our blog for the latest insights!
The Veeh Harp: Investing in a Timeless Masterpiece
The Top 3 Factors to Consider When Buying a Harp Instrument
Harp for Beginners: 3 Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Harp in Perfect Condition
4 Proven Benefits of Music Therapy for Individuals with Special Needs
Unlocking the Power of Sound: 3 Types of Social Skills Improved by Music Therapy